Barcelona with Besties
After a night filled with a couple 3 hour naps inturrupted by a baby who wanted to chat with us for an hour in-between, we finally got up to spend the day with some of our best friends from BYU Hawaii; Taylor and Ana Dame! It was SO good to see these wonderful people. Those lucky bums are living in Madrid while Taylor gets his MBA. They get to have an adventure every weekend. Our hotel was just a quick walk from La Sagrada Familia. Because the food in Spain is nothing special (seriously… I tried their "specialty" dish, paella, and it sucked… big time) we headed to our trusted American McDonalds. This is the start of me letting go of food anxiety. We eat mostly a plant based diet. I cringe/make a weird sort of yelling exclamation when people try to put goldfish or candy into my child's mouth or even give her some cows milk. (I have no idea why people think they need to give other peoples babies food… You are NOT their mother! Feed your own dang kids and leave mine ...