Melt Down
After watching Food Inc (which if you haven't seen it, I highly suggest you do), I swore never to eat fast food again. To only buy Organic foods and never buy those packaged processed foods ... I never even knew what people were talking about when they said processed. This documentary gave me a whole new meaning to that term exposing everything behind the veil the food industry puts up. It's true. I became the epitome of a food snob. But as the "joys" of womanhood roll around once a month, I find myself in a vulnerable position. Yesterday was an especially interesting day filled with those joys. I went from being distraught because I had nothing to wear, to wanting to throw away all the clothes I had in less than an hour. (PMS + Being away from the love of my life for an entire summer can really throw off a girls emotions) And NOTHING sounded good to eat. As I was talking to my fiance (over the phone of course because he is 5,000 ridiculous miles away) a beauti...